1.They showed me a Web page containing 3 text boxes labeled as
Name, D.O.B & Blood Group.It also have 3 Buttons as OK,
CANCEL,Reset. They told me that
1) when you click on OK it'll route you to the next page and
save the data in the database.
2) When you click on CANCEL it'll route you to the previous
3) When you click on Reset it'll clears all the entries made
by you.
Now they asked me to write Test cases to test the
functionality of that web page & asked me to write 1
critical test case after which they will give final go ahead
to test the rest of the application...
1. Enter valid Name, DOB, and Blood group
Click on OK
Expected: Page should navigate to Next page and updated data should display in database
2. Enter invalid data in one of the fields
Click on ok
Expected: Error msg should be displayed and no data should update in database
3. After entering the valid data, update the data in the
database (Critical)
Expected: based on the changes, the respective updated
information should be displayed
4. Enter valid data
Click on cancel
Expected: It should navigate to previous page and no data
should update in database
5. Enter valid data
Click on Reset
Expected: It should clear all the entries made by you and
no data should update in database
6. After clicking on Reset click on Ok(Critical)
Expected: Error msg should be displayed and no data should
update in database
2.what is mean by test preparation? and explain it?
Test Preparation is checklist of the activities that to be done before starting testing of application.
Requirement Analysis.
Test Planning.
Test Case Development.
Test Environment Setup.
Test Execution.
Test Cycle Closure .
3.which phase is most important in STLC phases? and why ?
Requirement Analysis and Test Planning are the most prominent stages of STLC. If requirements are not analyzed
correctly,plan will make accordingly and test cases will also developed
4.What can be done if requirements are changing continuously?
If client requirements are changing continuously, then below
changes are expected.
1. Change in design document or new design document HLD &
2. Change in test case scenarios
3. Change in test cases
4. Developer needs to write the code as per the change.
5. Tester needs to write new test cases
6. Tester needs to test the change.
7. In agile, work done in iteration can be affected.
8. Involves more cost.